Describe The Economic Climate Of The 1950's

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The 1950’s economic climate changed greatly, with the end of World War II. People were ready to spend their money, after rationing for so long. The overall economy increased 37% in the 1950’s, and the average American family had 30% more purchasing power than before. As more fabrics became available in the United States, people could get them in much larger quantities. Women's clothing, especially, became popular with detailed gatherings, an abundance of pleats, puffy petticoats, and eccentric collars, all made from the best materials and fabrics in the brightest and boldest patterns and colors. The post-war period of the 1950’s started one of the biggest economic and employment booms in United States’ history! The rise of consumerism and America's need for excess began, and it has defined our American culture for over 60 years. Although Americans in this post-war period were only 6% of the world's population, they consumed one third of the world's goods and services.…show more content…
First, credit cards became available. This allowed people to buy all the clothes they wanted, when they wanted, without paying for it until later. In 1951, the television impacted the fashion industry by allowing people to see advertisements and see who was wearing what. When women watched television shows they noticed actresses and/or singers they admired, and they then wanted what they were wearing. There were many other influences that solicited purchasing, such as, the radio transmitter, solar batteries, the Chevy Corvette, etc.; however, the credit card and the television had the biggest influence on the fashion industry. So if the people had the means to acquire a credit card, they could go and buy something they saw on television or something similar. Credit cards and television were technological influences that had a positive impact in the 1950’s fashion

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