Latin Americas Achievements

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When Europeans first came to the Americas more than five hundred years ago, there were 60 to 75 million indigenous peoples already inhabiting what we now call Latin America. Most of these Native Americans that were already here came from Asia around forty thousand years ago.They crossed the Bering Straight and fanned out through North, Central, and South America.The dispersion of their geography led to many distinct languages, cultures and civilizations. Two major Empires arose in South America. The Incas ruled the Central Andean Highlands, and the Chibcha controlled what we now know as Columbia. In Mexico and Central America, the Mayan and Aztec empires created civilizations whose majestic ruins still stand today as grand achievements. Besides…show more content…
Europeans called it the discovery of a New World . The native Americans viewed it as a disastrous invasion. No matter how you look at it, millions of Portuguese, Spaniard and Italian headed for the Americas. When the clash of cultures came between the indigenous people and their African slaves, it produced what we now call Latin America. Hispanic Heritage Month translates to speed up time for cultural centers across the nation. Art exhibits, live performances, and other special events are packed into a single month between September 15 and October 15. Though at some institutions the attitude has been to reveal Spanish culture all year…show more content…
And while poverty stretches across all ethnic groups, the poverty rate is higher among Hispanics than among non-Hispanic whites. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the 1995 Hispanic poverty rate was 30.3 percent. The rate for non-Hispanic whites was 8.5 percent. Leo Carrillo, dean of foreign students at A&M-Corpus Christi, said poverty and negative media portrayals have demoralized many Hispanics. Hispanic Heritage Month provides an opportunity for the good to overshadow the stereotypes, he said. From as for north as Oregon to Tierra del Fuego, the Spanish and Portuguese lift their mark on two continents. The English, French, Germans, and other Europeans also colonized and influenced cultures throughout the north, central, and south Americas. More than 500 years later, over 400 million people throughout the continents speak Spanish or Portuguese. Many of
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