Peroxidase Lab Report

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Abstract The purpose of this experiment was to determine the effects of the peroxidase enzyme with different temperatures. The absorption was measures after the peroxidase had been incubated for fifteen minutes. For the next two minutes we looked at the amounts of absorption and recorded them every twenty seconds. We also tested the absorption when the peroxidase was brought back to room temperature and conducted the same procedure. We concluded that temperature does effect the enzyme peroxidase. Introduction An enzyme is a catalysts that helps aid in the activation process by lower the amount of energy required for the reaction to occur. Enzymes are proteins that obtain a specific sequence of amino acids. Peroxidase is in the large protein family due to the amount of amino acids in its structure (Vodopich and Moore 2014). The shape of an enzyme, however, can be effected by: temperature, pH level, and salinity. In this experiment we determined the amount of absorbance when guaiacol is oxidized due to peroxidase with temperature changes. Methods and materials There were a total of four temperatures that were tested: 4, 22, 32, and 60 degrees Celsius. Each group was given four test tubes. We measured the required amount…show more content…
We then put both sets into the assigned temperature and let them incubate for fifteen minutes. Right before the 15 minutes was up we put a test tube of water, with a pH level of 7, into the spectrometer first set the wavelength at 470 and the absorbance at 0. When the fifteen minutes was up we moved one set of the H2O 2with peroxidase and one set of H2O with guaicol test tubes went into the room temperature bath to incubate for another fifteen minutes while me mixed the other set and put it into the spectrometer. We recorded the absorbance every twenty seconds for two minutes. We repeated this process once we took the second set out of the room temperature

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