Korean And American Independence Analysis

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Separation or Independence? Does the word ‘independence’ has similar nuance in the Korean and American Declaration of Independence? The beginning passages of both the Korean and American self-reliant documents bluntly and directly evokes the conception of independence, relying on the divine providence of God and reverence to the mankind. In addition to anaphora and parallelism, stylistic devices of certain words, emphasis and listings paired with similar grammatical structures are employed to denounce their second tier international status. However, though they both profess their sovereign rights, the connotations of ‘independence’ demonstrated in the Korean and American Declaration of Independence are subtly differentiable. Supported by historical context, this is further examined and proven by their tone, rhetorical devices, and stylistic choices of each document. Tone is the most essential characteristic that distinguishes the two declarations. In terms of the Korean Declaration of Independence, it is prone to accusations…show more content…
In the Korean declaration, the speaker is strongly appealing to the audience relying on their sympathy. It uses the method of exclamation such as, “Alas!” and “Behold!” Furthermore, the speaker is emphasizing consanguinity of his nation. It petitions the audiences’ empathy with rhetorical methods to stir emotion and uplift spiritual status to encourage nationalism. The American Declaration of Independence also appeals to the emotion of the nation, however, distinct from that of the Korean’s. Thomas Jefferson manifests the audiences’ empathy with British assailments toward the Americans. The speaker specifically and rationally points out the oppressions against them. The Korean Declaration of Independence instead appeals to the nation’s connection and duty, contradictory to the imputation of Americans to the British, to ultimately appeal to

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