Case Study On Sparkling Wine

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Jindal School of Hotel Management Sparkling wines around the world SUBMITTED ON DATE: 19/6/15 SUBMITTED BY: MOHIT, HASAN 19313, 19310 WORD COUNT SUBMITTED TO: MR. ROBBIE MATHEW BAR&BEVERAGE MANAGEMENT Executive Summary Major Findings 1 Core concept 2 Contents Introduction 4 Sparkling Wines 4 Methods of making Sparkling wine 5 i. Méthode Champenoise (Traditional method) 5 ii. Transfer Method 5 iii. Charmat Method or Cuve Close or Tank 6 iv. Injection Method 6 Sweetness in Sparkling wines 6 Sparkling wines of France 6 Sparkling wines of Germany 7 Sparkling wines of Italy 8 Sparkling wines of Spain 8 Bibliography 9 Reference 10 Introduction Sparkling wines, the most elegant of all alcoholic beverages, for centuries…show more content…
Dom Pierre Pérignon ( January 1638-September 1715), a blind (during his latter days) Benedictine monk, tenure as chief cellar master at Hautvillers ( 1668-1715) perfected the technique for making champagne by blending grapes and wines from various vineyards to achieve consistent and harmonious balance. One day the bottle in the cellar started bursting, he went in the chamber to check what was happening. Later, he tasted the wine and came running saying “I can feel the stars in my mouth”. He did don’t, however, discover invent, or create the wine that is known as champagne. In 1668, Dom Pérignon bottles the first bottle of…show more content…
DOCG (Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita) was conceived as a ‘super-league’ for DOCs with a guarantee of authenticity that promised high class quality of wine. Generally people assume that there is only type of Italian sparkling wine i.e. Prosecco. Italians have different varieties of sparkling wine which are distinct in one or the other way. Prosecco DOCGs, it is produced from Glera Grapes in Veneto area which has a cool climate and sea-fossils soils. They have at least 11% alcohol and varying degrees of sweetness. The most common that is observed on label is extra dry, means there is about 15g of sugar per litre in it. There are also pas dosè (zero sugar) versions of Prosecco. Charmat method is mostly used in

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