Chaldal Swot Analysis

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After thorough research I found to be as a major competition to Mr. Rahim’s e-commerce site. is an online shop based from Dhaka, Bangladesh. They have no physical store. In my analysis I deduce the following about their e-commerce solution:  Strengths: • efficient and well organized website • well established brand name • secured site • proven loyalty to interested consumers  Weaknesses: • inefficient in responsiveness to customer queries • lack of major imported branded products  Pricing: • The site prices its products in its mentioned retail price and also adds in taxes where applicable. • If any of their products are mispriced, the sites claims the right to cancel the customer’s order or contact them to inform…show more content…
This leads to a large number of sales for the site. Distribution Channel Many methods of delivering the customer’s products are being followed throughout the e-commerce industry of Bangladesh. The means of transports depends upon a number of factors:  How far your specified location is from the firm’s storage unit.  The number of products ordered  The size of the products  The time in which the products need to be delivered Rahim’s grocery shop should keep all options open and decide after assessing the factors mentioned above. The product can be delivered by foot, cycle, rickshaw, car or truck. Promotion Most common and cheapest form of advertising ones product is by promoting it through social media. promotes itself in banner ads and also sticker ads on public transport throughout the city. Rahim’s grocery shop can follow the traditional method of advertising by posting on newspaper, tv or billboard etc. Though it will be too much pricy but it is effective. We can also put up ads on facebook, youtube and even on sites like or Emphasis must be put on special deals or offers to attract potential customers. Other…show more content…
These factors include: interest rate, GDP, inflation rate etc. In the recent studies done for Bangladesh, it is seen that the inflation rate in September 2015 was 6.24% whereas when compared to the previous month it was 6.17%. This type of steady and rapid rise indicates that prices of regular commodities have risen and this might affect the overall business health as the price of the supplies will also rise.  Social: Society affects the business in many ways. The term society includes the gender, age, income, current trends, education level, cultural norms etc. As for grocery store the main target age is between 15- 64 years; which is around 64% of Bangladesh’s total population.  Technological: The demand for faster technological development is rapidly increasing in Bangladesh. Technology is the most important part in running an e-commerce grocery shop site. For the grocery shop; latest website enhancing soft wares, firm wares, database servers etc. and other technological innovations are highly required. Bangladesh has given major emphasis on its IT slogan ‘Digital Bangladesh’ and is making latest technologies to be easily available and accessible to

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