Jamaica Kincaid Girl

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“Girl” by Jamaica Kincaid is about a mother teaching her daughter how to into society’s expectations of a woman. Throughout the story, the mother warns the girl about doing things a certain way that would not depict her to be a “slut”. Also, the mother tries to teach her about house chores, church, and becoming domesticated (a house-wife), which society expects the girl to know. In “Girl”, the mother points out a numerous set of chores that the daughter must know. “Wash the white clothes on Monday and put them on the stone heap; wash the color clothes on Tuesday and put them on the clothesline to dry;” The mother tells the daughter to do these things to teach her that this is the way society expects her to wash clothes. Also, the mother tells the daughter how to make bread pudding and how to sweep the house and yard. These are things that society’s expectations uphold. A house-wife should know how to clean, cook, and do laundry. “This is how you set a table for dinner with an important guest;” The mother emphasizes this because when a member of society is welcomed into her home, she must meet that person’s expectations or the community will not approve of her.…show more content…
Everyone must follow the word of the Lord, which is why the mother stresses to the girl how to behave on a Sunday. “On Sunday’s try to walk like a lady and not like the slut you are so bent on becoming;” The mother is trying to teach the daughter to walk in a proper manner and not like a “slut” that the daughter is showing to become. Also, the mother states “don’t sing benna in Sunday school;” Benna is popular music, which is not meant to be sang in Sunday school. Therefore, the mother wants to stress that it is not proper to sing that song in Sunday school. It will make society shun

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