Informative Speech: The Farm-To-Table Movement

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What is Farm-to-Table? Topic: The Farm-to-Table Movement Organization: Topically Specific Purpose: To inform the audience what the Farm-to-Table movement is and what propels it 1. Introduction a. Attention getter: People like to know where their food comes from. Restaurants are beginning to focus on sourcing their produce and supplies from farms that are close and therefore accountable for the product. This movement to locally and ethically sourced food is referred to as the farm-to-table movement. b. Relevance: Thinking about where the food on our plate comes from is important. What we put into our bodies affects our health and well-being; this movement provides the opportunity for everyone to contemplate quality of the food in front of us.…show more content…
Initial Preview: After this speech, you all should be informed on the goals of the farm-to-table movement, its tie with sustainable farming, and the chefs in support of this movement. Transition to 1st main point: First, lets discuss the farm-to-table movement and its principles. 2. Body a. Point#1: The farm-to-table movement is one in which restaurants focus on sourcing their food from local farmers. i. According to Brendan Purves in her article “Farm to Table and the Local Food Movement”, “Because it doesn’t have to travel long distances, local food can be grown to be tasty and healthy” (2011). This saves the money and time it would cost to transport to food. The lack of long distance transport is better for the environment and possibly healthier for the consumer. ii. According to SARE, “they keep more food dollars in local communities and, in rural areas, offer new business opportunities that have the power to bring young people back home” (2012). iii. According to Sam Hellman-Mass, “before much of the food chain was industrialized, many cultures had invented ingenious ways of growing food, preserving the season, and surviving off of the land” (Chaudhury, 2015). This movement is a return to agriculture’s…show more content…
Point #2: The farm-to-table movement shares roots with sustainable farming. i. According to GRACE Communications, “local food production-distribution networks often start on smaller, sustainable family farms” (2015). ii. Also According to GRACE Communications, “supporting local/regional food systems helps support local, sustainably run farms, can help protect our health and the health of our communities, and helps stimulate local economies”(2015). Transition to 3rd main point: Now that we have covered what the movement is, let’s discuss who is involved. c. Point #3: There are many upcoming chefs that have become passionate about sourcing their food from farms they can trust. i. Ben Runkle, one of the owners of Salt & Time, believes that people are becoming aware of the quality of the food they consume and are thinking more about where it comes from (Chaudhury, 2015). ii. Takuya Matsumoto, an owner of Ramen Tatsu-Ya, says, “People start to realize how important diet is. The new generation of kids growing up start eating more consciously. This new mentality increases consciousness of the condition of our planet. Sustainable agriculture rules the world. No more GMOs. No more fast food chains ” (Chaudhury,

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