Income Inequality In Singapore

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A superstar city, this has gradually become a term that Singapore has become. The topics superstar cities, income inequality and home ownership are focused in this news article. Global superstar cities, which in this case is Singapore, have higher levels of income inequality. Higher level of income inequality causes the redistribution of income towards holders of capital, increasing inequality of wealth and also the higher than average house price growth which is the focus of this essay. Therefore, I would like to discuss, how housing policy is used to mitigate income inequality in the context of Singapore. To begin with, there are three main types of economic inequality that are namely: Income inequality, Pay inequality and Wealth inequality.…show more content…
Co. As seen from Figure 1, Singapore's Gini coefficient for resident households last year after taxes and transfers was 0.412, which is higher that most of the high-income Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development OECD countries. The global superstar cities New York and London have income Gini coefficients after taxes and transfers in the 0.4 to 0.5 range. Singapore's Gini coefficient is comparable to other cities of similar size and lower than the Gini coefficients of New York, London and Hong Kong. The key macroeconomic challenge would be the consistent increase of income inequality in Singapore. To cite an example, Income inequality consistently increased as Singapore gained affluence. Skilled workers were able to exploit career and business opportunities in the globalized world; thus enjoying faster income growth than those who were un/semi-skilled. Figure 2. An example of the Population and Income Share of Employed Workers in Singapore by Industry. Retrieved September 23, 2017 Website:…show more content…
Housing and retirement policies are interwoven in Singapore as a result of the implemented system. It also allowed over 70% of flat owner’s service housing loans solely with their CPF savings. This in turn also created “asset-rich” retirees. The main downside would be that there would be “cash-poor” especially for retirees who were low wage workers. In conclusion, in the context of greater income inequality, slower income growth for the lower and middle social classes of society, and increased economic and employment volatility, it is by no means clear that home ownership is still the most appropriate way for the state to redistribute incomes or to provide a measure of retirement security to Singaporeans. This aspect of housing achievement has been arrived at through astute political decisions like the expansion of the role of the Central Provident Fund (CPF), an effective and non-corrupt government, and the hard work of government agencies such as the HDB and Urban Redevelopment

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