Bukit Bunuh Case Study

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Due to the discovery of shock metamorphism rocks (suevite breccia) and melted original rocks scattering in the southern area of Bukit Bunuh, it was suspected that the area had the possibility of being impacted by meteorite. The founded boulders made the archaeologists from the Centre for Global Archaeological Research (CGAR) of Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) to propose of the possibility of Bukit Bunuh as a meteorite impact site. This proposal was led to intense research in the area by utilizing geophysical methods for meteorite impact crater mapping. During preliminary remote sensing study in 2004, significant geological features resembling the meteorite impact crater ring was mapped via aerial photograph (Nawawi et al., 2004). The impacted area cannot be seen with naked eyes as it was covered with forest, vegetation and plantation. By using geophysical methods, which are non-destructive and time effective, researchers are able to map the meteorite impact crater in the area that was covered by forest, vegetation and plantation. The study involves two stages, regional and detail studies, which include gravity, magnetic, 2-D resistivity and seismic refraction methods. As gravity method detects variations in densities of subsurface materials (Burger et al., 2006), it can be utilized for this research as most impact structures will have different in densities due to the impacted and metamorphism process. Metamorphism is a process where rocks are modified by heat, pressure and chemical processes which lead the rocks to be altered in its mineralogy,…show more content…
The gravity method works when buried objects have different masses, which produced by the object having a greater or lesser density than the surrounding material. The objective of the gravity survey is to associate variations with differences in the distribution of densities and hence rock types (Sheriff,

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