Incarcerated People In Prison

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Fugitive The number of people imprisoned in the United States has begun to rise since the 1970’s. The number now is 1 in every 107 people are incarcerated. (U.S. Department of Justice, 2012) Currently, there are more than 3% of adults who are under correctional supervision, 2.2 million people are in jail, and 4.8 million people on probation or parole. In 2009, the incarceration rate for African American males in state and federal prisons was 6.7 times greater than white men incarcerated. She describes how this family of young boys has to steal or commit crimes to make money for their family. Many young children have to go out and sell drugs and steal other people things just to make ends meet at home. Places with heightened poverty have this…show more content…
Examples of external forces are: threatening to arrest, publicly denounce, confiscate and appropriate possessions, eviction, or taking children away. An example of an internal force is to destroy the image of the person they are looking for, in hopes of ruining the relationship, therefore, the person gives up information due to defamation of character. Women have the chance to give up the male that the cops are looking for before they themselves are taken to jail on minor offenses that the cops can come up with while they are in that woman’s home. After showing a woman things to ruin the relationship for the man, he has to figure out who is going to take care of his possessions while he’s gone, and he needs money to buy things while he’s in jail. Every day he is in jail, $10 will be reduced from his fines, and that is a way to pay court fees off. As I get farther into the book, I realize that the people that are hurting the most when these men get put in jail are their young children. These kids are going to grow up thinking that daddy being in jail is normal and most of the time those kids follow in those footsteps and become criminals themselves. The mothers of these children suffer just as much, when their child grows up and asks where daddy at, they either have to lie to them, or tell them the

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