Participation Trophy Analysis

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It is safe to assume that every person has received a participation trophy of some sort at one point in their life. Though it may feel good to win at the time, could it actually hurt them in the long run? Kids are the primary target of participation trophies in today’s age, and there is a clear conflict between those who support the achievement, and those who oppose it. It is hard to distinguish which side is “right”, because there are benefits and downsides to each, and one’s opinion on the subject is heavily based on their personal values. But ultimately, adults should refrain from awarding children with participation trophies in order to allow them to develop as motivated as well as gritty people. The use of participation trophies promotes the idea to kids that they won’t have to work for things in life, and everything they desire will simply be handed to them. Stanford psychology professor Carol Dweck shared insight into her daughter’s experience with playing soccer, in which “[she] rarely showed up for her soccer team. She had a terrible attitude… [but] at the end she got a giant trophy and would have been devastated had she not” (Source 1). Dweck’s daughter obviously put little to no effort into her soccer team, yet still expected to be rewarded for simply showing up to that last game or two. She had no motivation to work hard towards a goal because she already knew she would get praise either way. The…show more content…
They influence kids to always expect to be awarded without putting in work, and do not prepare kids for the realistic harshness that comes in the adult world. Participation achievements also downplay the concept of competing as a whole, and merely take up space in cramped garages rather than being admired. Society needs to stop giving children false positive reinforcement, and start giving them the push they need to become resilient workers with a strong growth

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