Importance Of Self Determination

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Introduction 1.1 Background and Justification The right to self-determination is one of the most important peoples‘ right principles under international law, yet the application of the right is surrounded by contentions and difficulties. Even though the principle played a pivotal role during the independence from colonies, it also has been serving as a very strong instrument for many international and national demands for independence of people externally as well as internally.1 Everyone ones first imagination goes to the colonial period when the word self-determination is heard. This is an implication that there is no disagreement or controversy on the meaning and application as far as the colonialism is concerned. However, the Principle…show more content…
They become one and the same. This has become a cause for none fulfillment of the right to self-determination. The right is deliberately hindered by the government through different implicit mechanisms such by causing deliberate delay in the process, by violently responding to the demands of the people, labeling such groups as anti-peace and terrorist groups etc. This resulted with series of conflicts between the interest groups and the state as well as groups with groups. It is evident that ethnic based conflicts in the country are ever increasing from time to time. The biggest challenge for the party in power and future parties to come is the issue related with the right to self-determination in particular and the ethnic based federalism in general. Such issue of minority right was a problem in the past, is a problem in the present and will remain as a problem in the future unless proactive measures are taken by the government. In order to rectify such problem Ethiopian Peoples‘ Revolutionary, Democratic Front (EPRDF) adopted ethnic based federalism since 1991, at the eve of the fall of the militant and…show more content…
The major grounds of the conflicts are a demand for equal treatment among different ethnic groups regionally and nationally, against government‘s inconsistent decision on local selfdetermination issues, lack of transparent enabling conditions to exercise the right to selfdetermination, inappropriate and unbalanced government use of force in reaction to peaceful questions by different interest groups, and unwillingness by the government to entertain the selfdetermination questions by different Nations, nationalities and Peoples‘ both at federal and regional level, delay in the process after submission of such question/may take 5 to 7 years in the process/, the outcome of the decision of the House of Federation at the federal level as well as the State council decision at the state level are accessible to the interest groups as well as to the public in general, inappropriate meaning given to those who demand constitutionally guaranteed right to self-determination/ labeling by the government of such groups as anti-Peace,

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