Importance Of Post Office Customer

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CUSTOMER NEEDS: As “customer satisfaction” is the primary objective for any organization. Keeping that in mind, following are the essential needs of Pakistan Post Office customers. • TIME: Sooner the post will deliver; better the response will be received. • ACKNOWLEGEMENT: A customer wants to be updated regarding to his post. He/she has a right to have a clear idea about the time of departure, arrival and must be informed on timely basis. • BRANCHES: More than one branch is required in each city for customer satisfaction. • SAFETY & SECURITY: Measures like check and balance, reliable means, categorize items according to nature are necessary for safety purpose. • EXTENSION OF HOURS: Living in this busy world, 24/7 service is mandatory for…show more content…
Due to modernization and speedy life all things are required at time but the slow delivery of parcels and important items create many barriers on the way. Corruption cases also have been recovered during the last five years, some cases were registered in NAB, FIA and Rs 107 million has also been recovered from the officials. The main complaints received due to the late arrival of Waqas Ahmad who was selected in a high post he was too late to join the job and now he is the junior than his seniors and the promotion for that post he would have to practice a long period of time. But all these problems are due to the slow delivery, poor politicization, poor maintenance and bad services that is the base of slow progress in this sector. As post office is playing very crucial role in the progress of country by still having problems like slow delivery and socio economic problems make some barriers in the way of achieving the satisfaction level. The dilemma can be solved by the adoption of some strategies to make a decision that how we can tackle the problem very well. The decisions to remove these problems take time for implementing procedure. Because problem identification, alternatives and selection of good alternate need much effort and skills to accomplish the goal. So, some new technologies and techniques should be used to meet the needs of public…show more content…
The Post Office is suffering from budgetary shortfall and the reason is the usage changes, technological substitution, unfunded employee benefit mandates, and a legal and regulatory governing framework. The course for trainer techniques of five days and online training facility is also helpful for the changing of the performance and attitude of post office staff towards the customers to become active and good receptionists for the general public and this will be the result in the active and quick service of the post office. “Visionary” style is most appropriate to the train of the post staff because it needs a new direction. Its goal is to move people towards a new set of shared dreams. “Visionary leaders articulate where a group is going, but not how it will get there – setting people free to innovate and experiment to take calculated risks, and coaching style can also be used to realize the staff members that they are the pillars of the organization and it is utmost important thing to create a link between an organization and individual

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