Advantages Of E-Tailing

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E-tailing in India- Growth, Challenges and Opportunities Abstract The Indian Online Retail segment is changing rapidly by the impact of technology. Smart phones and internet enabled customers to connect e-tailing in a huge manner. E-Tailing has become extremely popular over the last decade. Today is the Era of Globalization and the consumer is not bound within a particular place to access products available anywhere in the world. Now he can go beyond the boundaries of any market area where he lives, to access the things of his interest. The medium holds many virtues favorable for the retail industry including a higher customer penetration, increased visibility, and convenient operations. The current web-based models for e-tailing are part of an embryonic phase…show more content…
Moreover, analysts believe listed retailers could attract foreign investments by spinning off their subsidiaries into separate companies which can provide a great opportunity for the improvement of this sector. According to Turban (2006), E-tailing is defined as retailing conducted online, over the internet. Wang (2002) has provided a broad definition of E-tailing by defining it as the selling of goods and services to the consumer market via the internet. Zeithaml (2002) has defined that the success of E-tailing depends on the efficient web site design, effective shopping and prompt delivery. The other e-store services are delivery on real time, return and replacement process, period of filling out online orders form, speed of response time to e-customers queries. Delone and Reif (2004) have found that at present customers are more likely to continue shopping online when they have a greater experience of online shopping. It is also found that young adults have a more positive attitude towards online

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