I Have A Dream Speech Thesis

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I Have a Dream On August 28,1963, over two hundred, thousand people gathered together, for The March on Washington. Martin Luther King, took his position in front of the Washington Monument, coupled with persuasive motivation, his speech commenced, “I have a Dream.” On that day, history turned a hopeful corner, compelling black and white, young and old, to live up to America’s founding principles. Martin Luther King’s speech invited Americans to look at themselves and see where they have not observed significant Foundational American Perspectives of equality, liberty, and the Constitutional government. Martin Luther King resided in Alabama as a Baptist pastor. He exercised non-violent civil disobedience, stood firm for equal rights for Blacks and all people. King loved the word of God and quoted scripture, though out the Dream speech. The language of the slaves rang true in the similar story of Exodus, a place where God’s people were held captive. King peppered his speech,…show more content…
King was speaking out to stop the oppression and set his people free. The Blacks were not free, could not read and worked at low paying jobs. Reider wrote, “The nation could have provided a program or reparations instead of leaving him penniless and illiterate after 244 years of slavery.” Partial freedom is no Freedom at all. King quoted Amos 5:4, “Let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.” The American people constituted a free nation. King dreamed white people and black people coming together under God. “Kings’s hope of little white boys and girls joining hands, likely caused dissension among his opponents.” (Sundquist, E. J., & Miller, M. C. ,2009). According to the principle of a Constitutional government, our Nation has rejected the constitution by not protecting the liberties and the right of Black
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