I Have A Dream Rhetorical Essay

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Over 50 years ago, Martin Luther King Jr. gave one of the most iconic speeches ever spoken in American history. He captivated his audience with his “I Have a Dream” speech, on August 28th 1963 on the steps of the Washington D.C. Lincoln Memorial during the march on Washington for jobs and freedom. Speaking in his deep baritone voice, with cadences slow and resounding, King roused the audience repeatedly (Purcell 17). His powerful rhetoric about racial justice, harmony, and integration became a platform of unity for many people in the black community. His words proved to be an illumination of the realities of social and political upheaval plaguing the times. It gave oppressed African American’s a common voice to express their plight to the nation, and as a result had both immediate and long term impacts on society. The “I have a Dream” speech contains many effective rhetorical features such as language,…show more content…
The metaphors highlighted the contract between to concepts such as “Joyous day break to the end the long night of their captivity,” “the negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of vast ocean of material prosperity,” rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice,” and the sweltering summer of the Negro’s legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality.” Metaphors allowed King to compare the plight of the black people with where they could be if they were truly free. Pronunciation is crucial in a speech and such words of full form are pronounced much more clearly with greater emphatic effect than those of shortened form, which always appear in daily life (Frey 37). By exploiting these words, King tends to emphasize the urgency of fighting for the civil rights for the blacks and meanwhile shows his seriousness (Frey
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