Huntington's Disease Case Study

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“Huntington's disease is an inherited condition that damages certain nerve cells in the brain. This brain damage gets worse over time and can affect movement, cognition (perception, awareness, thinking, judgment) and behavior”(“Huntington’s disease”). The symptoms vary from person to person depending on the severity of the disease. However, one main symptoms is Chorea which is uncontrolled shaking or abrupt movement of the body. Muscles experience stiffness making it harder for the person to move limbs. It is also seen that one suffers from improper eye movement, as well as it becomes very difficult to hold posture and balance as the disease progresses. Speech and swallowing of food also become a difficult task (Mayo Clinic Staff). Other…show more content…
The person may experience agitation, loneliness, unable to interact with other people and unhappiness. In some people, fatigue occurs from insomnia or lack of sleep, which can also result in suicidal thoughts. Obsessive-compulsive disorder can also be a symptom one faces. Furthermore, along with all the symptoms weight-loss also occurs, and gets worse as the disease progresses (Mayo Clinic Staff). Different symptoms arise in juvenile patients affected with Huntington’s disease. This includes behavioral changes like loss of previously learned academic and physical skills, thus contributing to a loss in school performance. Physical symptoms also occur, including stiffness in muscles, involuntary shaking, and jerking movement (Mayo Clinic…show more content…
I wake up in the morning and my muscles are stiff causing me not to be able to leave my bed. Soon my caregiver, who is with me twenty-four hours a day feeds me a high- calorie diet, as I am losing weight fast. This meal is easy to chew, swallow, and easy to digest, as due to my disease I have a problem with swallowing. Therefore my food is pureed. I drink with special straws and have to wear an apron so I don’t get it all over my clothes. My home has been adapted by social services to make life easier and reduce the risk of injury from a fall. My shower, bed, and chairs have been adapted, and everything is wheelchair accessible My caregiver helps me onto my wheelchair, as due to my muscle stiffness walking is a problem. Then, my caregiver bathes me and dresses me. After that, I am taken to physiotherapy twice a week, as well my doctor for regular checkups, and my psychiatrist. As you can see from the above, my disease has caused behavioral problems, communication skills have been impaired, and I have diet, eating and swallowing issues. I can’t drive anymore and I am completely dependent on my caregiver. I don’t feel as whole as I was, my thought process have slowed down and it takes a lot of self-discipline to do ordinary things. Getting dressed is just exhausting. I accept the changes that are happening to me and the loss of my job. However, the support of family

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