Human Nature In Hamlet

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Human Nature In Hamlet, William Shakespeare explores the different themes of human nature, taking in the concepts of revenge, greed and internal conflict. These themes drive the story plot to go on as the characters undergo a cycle of these elements and ultimately meet their end. Hamlet suffers from internal conflict throughout the play, as he has to choose between forgiving Claudius and seeking retribution for the murder of his father whereas the human nature of greed is shown in Claudius when his desire to claim the throne and marry the queen leads to the murder of King Hamlet. By using the protagonist Hamlet, who has a philosophical mindset with an inability to act irrationally, Shakespeare makes exceptional observations about human nature.…show more content…
Shakespeare uses the juxtaposition of different characters to reveal the causes of external and internal influences and figurative language to reveal the underlying subtext behind the soliloquys in addition to the varying stages of the play. William Shakespeare meticulously demonstrates the most prominent theme of human nature as the protagonist seeks retribution for the murder of his father by using figurative language and juxtaposition. Firstly, there are clear connotations stating that the desire for revenge can come from external influences, as Hamlet feels obligated to satisfy the Ghost’s needs for avenging King Hamlet’s death. The dynamic phrase ‘wings as swift as meditation or the thoughts of love’ (1.5.35) emphasizes the importance placed upon external influences, as Hamlet was…show more content…
Although Hamlet strongly desires to avenge his father’s death, his inability to seek retribution for his father’s death causes him to experience external conflict. “Oh, what a rogue and peasant slave am I!/ Is it not monstrous that this player here,/ But in a fiction, in a dream of passion,/ Could force his soul so to his own conceit” (2.2.578-580) conveys the protagonist’s feelings when he berates himself because an actor is able to “force his soul so to his own conceit” whereas Hamlet is feeling conflicted even though he is in a real life situation. The internal battle within Hamlet is clearly shown in the soliloquy “To be or not to be-that is the question:/ Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer/ The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,/ Or take arms against a sea of troubles/ And, by opposing, end them…. /ay, there’s the rub,/ For in that sleep of death what dreams may come” (3.1.64-74) as Hamlet is dithering between facing the harsh truth or simply giving in. The caesura after “be” and “question” brings forth attention to the phrase “To be or not to be - that is the question:” emphasizes Hamlet’s internal conflict as the word “be” is used to connote his existence. Also, the metaphor “a sea of troubles” is used to compare Hamlet’s

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