Summary Of Racism In The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn

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Written by Samuel L. Clemmons under the alias of Mark Twain, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, is a tale of two runaways and the adventures they will encounter. In the mix of it all, Jim, a runaway slave, plays a crucial role in plot momentum and development. Artists have since attempted to recreate their renditions of what Jim might have looked like. The following commentary will be an analysis of the similarities and differences between selected illustrations and the novel. The illustration of Jim created by Baldwin Hawes in 1947 showcases Jim as an older gentleman with a beard. I never pictured Jim as being an older gentleman with a beard. However, both the illustration and the novel demonstrate Jim’s interest in suspicions. In this illustration,…show more content…
One of the most repetitive and prevalent characteristics of Jim is his belief in superstitions. There are countless examples of this. For instance, on page 38 when Jim is telling Huck not to talk about the dead man because the dead man “might come and ha’nt us” (Twain). Another instance of superstitious activity includes the magic hairball on page 13 (Twain). However, one might argue that Twain’s use of superstations is a nod to the belief that all slaves practiced a form of witchcraft. This may be way Huck did not find it strange that Jim was talking to the magic hairball. Another characteristic of Jim is that he is very compassionate and is a family man. This is demonstrated in chapter 23 when Jim is recalling a time he wrongfully punished his child. He told Huck that he regretted hitting her because she was sick and could not hear what her father was telling her (Twain, pg 118). This occurrence actually made Huck think that slaves lover their family just as much as white people love theirs. Another occasion where Jim is a father figure to Huck is when he advised Huck to dress as girl when he went into town (Twain, pg 41). This act demonstrates not only that Jim does not want him to get caught, but also that he wants to share his ideas with his

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