How Was Trench Warfare: Effective And Dangerous?

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How was Trench Warfare Both Effective and Dangerous? Zaid Tabaza 8’5 Figure 1: Soldiers in Trenches Trench warfare is the form of war in which the fighting troops battle against each other from trenches. While being a technique that has been used since a long-time in history, the Trench Warfare technique came into the spotlight when it was employed in World War I (WWI), where the Western Side (which had the location of France, Belgium and Alsace) used it as a defense strategy. Trench warfare is a double-edged sword, with positives and negatives. In the course of the battles in WWI, trench warfare was exemplified through three lines of trenches. The line facing the enemy is regarded as the Primary Line, with a secondary line in-between, and the final known as the third line. The Primary Line is where the soldiers are allowed to fight and fire against the enemies, with the second line as a support line, and the third is where the soldiers are allowed to rest. The rows of the trenches were situated in the Western Front, extending from the Belgian Coast up to the Swiss Border. “Bull, Stephen p. 46” The process of building and creating the trenches took an extensive amount of effort, requiring about 450 men to set up approximately 250 meters of trench. At the start, trenches were being built in straight…show more content…
Bacteria spread around very quickly since soldiers often did not find the time to use the bathrooms, and due to the large amounts of dead bodies. Rats in the trenches consumed all of the sources of food for the soldiers and further spread bacteria. Trench living conditions caused a new disease called trench foot to spread. Trench foot is a fungal infection, which occurs due to the savage life conditions in the trenches and it results in the loss of fingers and toes. “Duffy,

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