Hm Exp Toxicol Case Study

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Additional Ref Lead for HET Hum Exp Toxicol. 1996 May;15(5):376-82. Evolution of lead toxicity in a population of children. Calder?n-Salinas JV1, Hernandez-Luna C, Valdez-Anaya B, Maldonado-Vega M, Lopez-Miranda A. Author information Abstract A 3 years study was conducted to determine the evolution of blood lead concentrations (PbB) and free erythrocyte protoporphyrins (FEP) as indicators of absorption and biochemical damage in children (7-12 years old) living within one kilometer of a metallurgic factory that processes lead in Torre?n, Coahuila, M?xico. In addition, neuromuscular conduction velocity, motor coordination and IQ where determined as indicators of physiological damage. During this period of time the children showed increased lead…show more content…
2009 Sep;28(9):567-75. doi: 10.1177/0960327109102804. Epub 2009 Sep 8. Evaluation of calcium excretion in Brazilian infantile and young population environmentally exposed to lead. Oliveira da Costa Mattos Rde C1, Xavier EC Jr, Domingos Mainenti HR, Mitri Nogueira S, Ribeiro de Carvalho MA, Ramos Moreira Mde F, Vargas de Carvalho LB, Tabalipa M, Borges R, Malizia Alves Mde F. Author…show more content…
The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of lead exposure on selected functions of the liver and bile ducts in people who are chronically exposed to the metal because of their occupations. To provide this information, the activity of specific enzymes and the bilirubin concentration were determined in blood serum, and morphological parameters of the liver and bile ducts were evaluated using the ultrasonic imaging method. Healthy male employees of a lead-zinc processing facility (n = 145) who were occupationally exposed to lead were divided into two subgroups as a function of the lead concentrations in blood (PbB): low lead exposure (PbB = 20-35 ?g/dl; n = 57) and high lead exposure (PbB = 35-60 ?g/dl; n = 88). Human exposure to lead compounds was found to cause liver enlargement and to activate inflammatory reactions with the characteristics of moderate cholestasis within the bile ducts, while no characteristics of necrotic damage of hepatic cells were noted. It seems that lipid peroxidation can be one of the toxic mechanisms of lead which induce moderate cholestasis. The effects depend on the extent of the lead exposure and were greater in subjects with higher exposure levels, particularly subjects with PbB values greater than 35

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