Hodgkin Huxley Model Research Paper

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Hodgkin Huxley Model : An overview of Hodgkin Huxley Model and it’s modification under Fitzhugh-Nagumo Model Adeel Manzar Department of Biomedical Engineering Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology Karachi, Pakistan adeel_manzar@yahoo.com Abstract— This paper provides an overview of Hodgkin Huxley Model and discusses it’s modification under Fitzhugh- Nagumo Model. The scope of the paper is limited to secondary research being done through the internet, for better understanding of these models the terms nervous system, neurons and action potential are also defined and then these models are discussed and conclusion is made and some further studies done to modify Hodgkin Huxley model are outlined. I. INTRODUCTION The nervous…show more content…
HODGKIN HUXLEY MODEL The Hodgkin Huxley model considers current flow across the membrane which has two major components, one associated with charging the membrane capacitance and one associated with the movement of specific types of ions across the membrane [3]. The ionic current is further subdivided into three distinct components, a sodium current INa, a potassium current IK, and a small leakage current Ileak that is primarily carried by chloride ions [3]. The currents and membrane potential can be expressed in Fig. 1…show more content…
It is also imperative that Fitzhugh Nagumo model focused on the fast variable and the slow variable and shortened the Hodgkin Huxley model. It has been sixty years since Hodgkin and Huxley made their ground breaking finding with insignificant technology and background facts. Since then, many have come forward to propose corrections and modifications to the model [6]. There are many slight modifications to the original model to adapt to a different cell and different organism, but most follow the same original properties [6]. It was not only Fitzhugh and Nagumo who worked on Hodgkin Huxley model to modify it, there were others as well, itemized below are some of the most common and obvious additions. Hodgkin and Huxley showed the firing of an action potential with type 2 excitability [6]. Type 2 excitability is continued firing of action potentials from suprathreshold depolarizing current [6]. In 2008, John Clay et al. were able to isolate this theoretical approach from experimental results by introducing a small modification to allow modeling of type 3 excitability [6]. A modest modification provided in John Clay et al. 2008 paper marginally adjusts the potassium current [6]. There is an immense amount of extensions to the Hodgkin-Huxley equation [6]. Certain examples are: bifurcations in the Hodgkin-Huxley model speed reliant on frequency, and no external signal

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