How Does Transport Systems Affect Economic Growth

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3. Effects of transport systems on economic growth 3.1. Positive effects of transport systems on economic growth These are the effects that transport systems have a positive effect economic growth of which can actually boost the country of South Africa in a financial manner. 3.1.1. Trade Transport systems allow the country to engage in global trade market in a way that South Africa is able to interact in the global economic society. The systems also allow the country to create trading relationships across the world, relationships that would enable the country to import products from other countries and export products to other countries. For the country to have a successful international relationship or market the transport routes must be effective and properly managed and must therefore be easily accessible. Transport enable economic activity and a facilitator of international trade, also measures economic activity. Transport reflects economic activity, in as much as products must be moved to markets. Transport and its systems affects economic conditions and growth and in turn economic conditions and growth also influences transport. 3.1.2. Employment A lot of people in South Africa are offered employment by the transport section of the country, usually the department of transport and transport industries. The transport…show more content…
Land degradation and soil erosion are environmental concepts that only pop up when there is disaster or ought to be one, therefor Wikipedia defines land degradation as “ a process in which the value of the biophysical environment is affected by a combination of human-induced processes acting upon the land” whereas soil erosion refers to the removal of topsoil faster than the soil formation

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