The Negative Effects Of MDMA

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EFFECTS MDMA produces the following effects: Mild euphoria: although the patient is not in ecstasy, the MDMA does create a more positive mind space, allowing patients to process their trauma more easily. Decreases anxiety and fear: this allows the patient to think and talk about their traumatic memories without becoming overly frightened by them, meaning that the sessions can be as efficient as possible. Enhances perception of feelings and intensifies them: by having intensified feelings and responses, it makes it easier to recognise feelings that may otherwise be too subtle to identify. Increases tolerance Increases imagination and association Increases contemplativeness: patients are more able to think about their trauma in a reflective…show more content…
For example: hyperthermia; serotonin syndrome; hepatoxicity; hyponatraemia and more commonly: insomnia; bruxism and acute facial dystonia. Although these all occur after using MDMA, there are other reasons for these effects. For instance, the most common places to take MDMA are at clubs and parties, often, these places are hot; people are usually drinking alcohol and are dancing (vigorous exercise), the negative effects of MDMA can be exacerbated by high temperatures and dehydration. Because MDMA can interfere with fluid control, serious issues can occur when people drink excessively and take MDMA together. This can result in hyponatraemia, which is potentially life threatening. Furthermore, clinical MDMA is not the same as recreational ecstasy. Firstly, clinical MDMA is made with 99.9% purity, which is incredibly different to the varying levels of purity that occur in recreational ecstasy. Also, it has been suggested that the ecstasy may not even be MDMA, the pills could actually be formed from MDE (3,4-methylenedioxyethylamphetamine) or MDA (3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine), both the desired and negative effects are very similar in all three substances. In a clinical setting, all external factors are eliminated. High temperatures, excessive fluid consumption and vigorous exercise no longer affect the MDMA’s effects. Only the expected effects would occur and it is much more…show more content…
For example, MDMA may cause poor concentration/attention; memory impairment and sleep disturbances. Jansen also suggested a ‘Pandora’s box syndrome’ or ‘busy head syndrome’, which is a relatively harmless condition and it does not produce any difficulty with performing tasks. In 2001 Parrott suggested that MDMA can cause the depletion of serotonin, which is associated with depression, and addiction, which is the opposite to the desired effect (as cited by

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