Essay On Double Track Railway

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Rail can reduce fuel consumption and reduce environmental pollution, reducing travel time and it is very safe. In terms of roads that need to train, rail has been introduced to facilitate the movement of trains. With the beginning of EDTP services, it will change the KTM service with competitive in terms of travel time, frequency, fares, reliability, quality of service and security. In terms of progress in EDTP projects it can become the backbone for future commuter service in the northern region and also in the Klang Valley that will allow for the development of a rapidly growing country people working in the City. With the beginning of the railway service, it can be beneficial to low-income and country communities. EDTP services not only provide convenience to the public, but it also can reduce accidents on the road. To upgrade the rail…show more content…
Government initiatives to build double track railway from Ipoh to Johor Bharu –Padang Besar and also to upgrade the railways in this country would be positive and reasonable contributor to the economy of the State. Economics Lecturer Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Professor Dr Shazali Abu Mansor said the measures would not only provide rail services in a more systematic, they will also reduce costs for the transport sector and manufacturing services. In addition, with the availability of services EDTP projects, the China-Malaysia Association of Tour Toh Kim Tai Secretary-General stated that the tourism sector is a major contributor to the country's economy as a good transport system can increase tourism. Furthermore the train is a good vehicle because it is very comfortable and cheaper than the vehicle through the air. This is one strategy that is useful to the state in attracting more

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