How Does Steinbeck Present Curley's Wife

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"Both men glanced up, for the rectangle of sunshine in the doorway was cut off" is the description that is used describe her first appearance in the novel. It suggests that she has obscured the light and darkened the room with her presence. The image created is dark and threatening. She is also not really inside the room or out, which maybe to show that she is an outsider, and does not feel like she fits in with all the men. She is alone as she is a lot of the time. I think she is very lonely because even though she is asking where Curley is, they are never seen together. Her stance also seems quite provocative "twitched her body". The impression she gives is that of a young girl pretty and desperate for attention, not caring what sort. Curley's wife represents women in the 1930s and shows how hard it was to get attention. Her voice is said to have a "nasal, brittle quality". I think the word brittle suggests vulnerability and also shows that she is quite an unstable character who has dreams of being elsewhere. It may be used to suggest that she is fragile, and could be indicating what is going to happen to her.…show more content…
It seems that she feels this is the only connection she has with the men on the ranch, and even when they have answered her queries, she tries to make conversation so she can stay. She is presented as a social misfit ; the men don't want her hanging around, because she causes trouble in their eyes. George is wary of her at once, he warns Lennie that she is dangerous, and can get them into trouble, but Lennie just seems taken with her looks, and even when George calls her a "tramp" "bitch" and "jail bait" Lennie just says admiringly "she's purty". I think that Steinbeck uses these two responses to show us that George realises the dangers of letting Lennie get close to Curley's wife, while Lennie doesn't understand why George is so
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