Comparing John Steinbeck's 'Of Mice And Men'

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Kaitlyn Campos Ms. Deninger English Honors 30 October 2015 Of Mice and Men The book Of Mice and Men is about two poor men, Lennie and George, traveling together to find jobs. They live in an era where people are not able to have decent jobs. The men found work on a ranch, where they will find new friends and a few quandaries on their path for their goals. In this time period, many people are forced to leave their dreams behind and face reality. The story plot was held during the Great Depression, which means the U.S was in deep trouble, such as bankruptcy, the stock market crashed and many people lost their jobs. Many people had to leave behind their dreams and focus on present day problems, like finding work and earning money. The book shows the theme of dreams and appearance versus reality. George is one of the main characters in the story. He…show more content…
Crooks called, ‘Candy!’ ‘Huh?’ ‘ ‘Member what I said about hoein’ and doin’ odd jobs?’ ‘Yeah,’ said Candy. ‘I remember.’ ‘Well jus’ forget it,’ said Crooks. ‘I didn’t mean it. Jus’ foolin’. I wouldn’ want to go no place like that,’ (Steinbeck, 83). Crooks realized that his dream is pointless and gives up. Curley’s wife tells him that he is just another slave and that she can do anything to him. This makes Crooks quiet and change his mind about his dream. He tells Candy and Lennie to leave because of what she said to them. He says that Curley’s wife is right and that he is nothing but a slave. The book Of Mice and Men shows the theme of dreams and appearance versus reality. Many characters in the book had dreams, but faced reality when something occurred to prevent it from being true. The Great Depression was a reason why the dreams did not occur. During the Depression, bankruptcy occurred, the stock market crashed and many people lost their jobs. George, Crooks and Curley’s wife had to abandon their dreams and face
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