Power In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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How does Steinbeck explore the theme of power in “Of Mice and Men? In this assessment I will be analysing the different ways that Steinbeck portrays elements of different themes In Steinbeck’s ‘Of Mice and Men’ the element of power is shown through setting it on a ranch as there is a hierarchy on the ranch in order of working positions “guys like us that work on ranches are the loneliest guys in the world “This quote suggests that Steinbeck wants the reader to feel that everyone on the ranch has no sense of freedom and are isolated. It also implies that they are lonely and have limited power this makes the reader sympathise with the characters into feeling sorry for their current life Steinbeck uses elaborate devices to present the issues…show more content…
Steinbeck wants the reader to feel sorry for people with intellectual disability and to realise during the 1930 disability wasn’t taken seriously during they would have restricted power due to this…show more content…
Crooks is also mis treated in the novel “ I aint wanted in the bunk house so you aint wanted in my room “because he is black he has restrictions to where he is allowed to go on the ranch Steinbeck presents crooks as weak due to this colour the word “my” shows us that it is the only thing belonging to him and he would like it to stay that way the readers will feel the need to be supportive of crooks due to the way he is treated compared to other ranchers he tends to be left out this is due to the fact that during 1930’s racial segregation was a huge course for people with dark colour skin or something other than white for having tension in the work
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