How Does Steinbeck Lose Their Dreams In Of Mice And Men

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A great president's wife, politician, and diplomat once said, “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” Eleanor Roosevelt's quote and Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck both have dreams as one of the main ideas. In the novella, the main characters, George and Lennie, both share a dream: to live off the fat of the land. They are migrant workers, traveling throughout California during the Great Depression in search of work on farms, and keeping small amounts of the work they do. There are other characters on the farm as well, and many of them have already lost their dreams by the time Lennie and George get to the farm. The topic of dreams influences lives, impacts decisions, and motivates people in…show more content…
George is motivated by his dreams in a different way. In regards to the undesirable work location, he says, “We gotta keep it till we get a stake. We can't help it, Lennie” (33). George doesn't want to work at the place they've been assigned to, and Lennie doesn't either. But, George knows that in order to work towards their common dream, they have to get the pay out of the work, and move towards their common goal. These two are motivated through hardships and toughness due to their dream. In Of Mice and Men, dreams influence, impact, and motivate. In the novella, dreams take on their own topic in the sense that the idea changes everyone. Curley's wife's dream influences her and George and Lennie's dreams influence them and their lives. Their lives would be very different without those dreams. The decision of the location of Candy's money and Crook's future was impacted by George and Lennie's ranch dream. George is motivated to stay on the farm and work in order to get the pay he needs, and Lennie is motivated to obey and stay out of trouble to be able to tend the rabbits. Dreams is one of the biggest main ideas in the
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