Relationship Between George And Lennie In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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The novel Of Mice and Men written by John Steinbeck is a realistic fiction novel about two young men, George and Lennie, who are in a search for work to get enough money for their "American Dream" home. George and Lennie have traveled miles away from their hometown and now are working on a ranch. They have encountered a group of unusual people which make an impact on George and Lennie. Lennie, who is a strong of the two men is a great worker, but he doesn't know his own strength which causes many problems. The other man, George, is a smart, hard working man who keeps Lennie focused throughout the novel. The relationship that connects the characters to the relationship are found in the story Living in Sym which is an expository writting. There…show more content…
Mutualism is the act of both host, characters in the novel, benefit from each other. George and Lennie are a great example of this because Lennie, a large strong man, accompanies George on the ride along to their dream. George is benefitted from this because George has now a friend to accompany him on the ride to their dream. Yet, Lennie also benefits from this because George is there for him no matter what and is basically his only family he has. Another example is Lennie and Candy. Candy offers Lennie a new best friend, a puppy, which makes Lennie feel loved and happy. Candy is also affected because when he sees Lennie happy it makes him happy. As you can see mutualism has had an effect on characters in this novel as do the other…show more content…
A pathogen relationship is when one host causes the other host to die or be severely injured. Lennie is a great example of this relationship because he accidently pets a little to hard of the animals he encounters. The puppy that Lennie received from Candy was soon to be dead in the barn because Lennie couldn’t control how hard he pets. That also happened in the beginning of the novel when Lennie had a mouse in his pocket because he wanted to keep it as pet, but soon enough he pet a little to hard because he doesn’t know his own strength. As you can see Lennie was a huge factor in this relationship in this
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