The Alderman Character Analysis Essay

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The Alderman is one of those characters who people either praise or fear. In my opinion the Alderman is a man who should be praised. He is a calm, cool and collective man, but at the same time he is an imposing figure of authority. He rarely loses his temper even when the virginity of his daughter is a risk. In the first scene of the book we find Danny and Irena together in Irena’s room. The Alderman is supposed to be away on work for most of the night. Right as Danny was about to get somewhere with Irena, she sees her father walked towards the house from her bedroom window. They come up with the excuse that Danny was just there to help Irena with her exponential equations. The Alderman read them and their excuse like a childrens book.…show more content…
Danny has an addiction for Alderman’s two girls, if he canted get one of them, he may as well just try for the other. After the incident at the 5 finger peak, Irena wanted nothing to do with Danny. Knowing this ripped Dannys heart apart, he was devastated. So, Danny’s affection left Irena and grasped onto her little sister Alena. As time went on the relationship between Danny and Alena grew to a level Danny may have perceived as the “seventh heaven”. Both Danny and Alena decided they wanted to get serious, they went away to a different town and decided to rent a room at a hotel. The one problem with this was that the desk clerk knew just who Danny was and what he was trying to attempt. The clerk told them to go away for a couple of hours and to come back later. During this time the clerk called the Alderman and told his about the situation, he thus rented a car and made his way over before Danny and Irena got back. When the two lovebirds got back to the hotel the clerk sent them up to their room where they unknowingly would have a surprise: “Daddy, I----...’Then run along.’ he spoke tenderly.”(188) Again the Alderman did not yell at Danny or physical harm him in any way. His punishment towards him was to simply pay the bill of the rented car

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