How Does Hester Prynne Keep Pearl

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Hester Prynne has committed adultery with Dimmesdale while her husband was overseas. The result of this crime is the daughter named Pearl, who is the quite opposite of a pearl. Hester and Pearl live in an isolated cottage on the outside of Boston. The governor is trying to decide whether Hester is a good mother or not, and if she should be allowed to keep Pearl or not. Hester is not a good mother, for she is not an appropriate role model for Pearl. Also she doesn't reprimand Pearl for her inexcusable actions. Hester should be allowed to keep Pearl since it was her choice to have sex with Reverend Dimmesdale and she needs to deal with the consequences. Pearl does not have the mentor and exposure a child needs to succeed. In chapter 6, Hawthorne describes Pearl's reaction to people “She saw the children of the settlement.... Pearl saw, but never sought to make acquaintance. If spoken to, she would not…show more content…
In chapter 7, again the community and Hester and Pearl meet, “Pearl, who was a dauntless child, after frowning, stamping her foot, and shaking her little hand in a variety of threatening gestures, suddenly made a rush at the knot of her enemies, and put them all to flight.” After this occurs, Hester implements no kind of discipline for her tantrum. If Pearl never gets yelled at for tantrums or flinging rocks, she will continue to do it because she thinks it is “okay.” This behavior was not appropriate then, in 1642, 1850, or today in 2015. Behavior like this will not stop at temper tantrums, it will get worse as Pearl gets older, so Hester needs to enforce discipline soon than later. Hester needs to show her authority over Pearl, and scold her for such behavior. “Being too strict hurts a child” the opposition may say. Yet there is a distinct difference between being too strict and keeping your child under control. Hester has no control over Pearl and needs to gain respect from
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