Pearl In Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlett Letter

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Psalm 127:3 commands, Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward. In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel, The Scarlet Letter, this verse in Scripture is being challenged by the main character, Hester. Hester bore a child out of wedlock. She is faced with the difficult decision on whether or not to keep her precious gift, Pearl. Everyone agrees that Hester is Pearl’s legitimate mother, however, due to Hester’s past the inquiry, then becomes whether or not Hester should keep Pearl to raise as her own. Hester should keep Pearl to raise as her own for these reasons: Hester obtains the characteristics to be a fit mother, Hester teaches lifelong lessons, and Hester exemplifies a mother’s role to the community .…show more content…
Hester retains the characteristic of perseverance. Despite the shame of her past, Hester decides to respond to the responsibilities that were set before her. These responsibilities consist of providing for herself and Pearl, and also protecting her reputation from any other impairment. Hester assists the community by giving them the garments needed for every occasion. Most people, after colliding with the past like Hester’s would have lived in shame and guilt, but Hester persevered and made what seemed like the end, the beginning. Secondly, Hester is able. After Hester’s act of deceit, she is given a scarlet letter to wear upon her bosom. This scarlet letter “A” represents the word Adulterous. However, Hester did not yearn to be known as adulterous but as an able woman. She labors day and night sewing clothes for the townspeople, and becomes a respectful woman of the community. At the end the book, Nathaniel Hawthorne…show more content…
Proverb 4:23 states, Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. While Hester’s husband is departed, her heart ran wild for love. She did not obey what the Lord asked her to do in Proverbs 4:23. Hester let her lust for the love of a man ruin her reputation. From this impairment, she learns that it is more important to keep a pure heart for the Lord instead of a dark one for a man. As Pearl grows older she understands from her mother the importance of having a pure and guarded heart. Pearl learns to not unman her heart. She learns to keep her heart pure and clean for the young man she would marry. Secondly, Pearl learns from her mother that her circumstances do not dictate her destiny. Hester did not allow her past to ruin the rest of her life. She continued to do what every mother would normally do. She instructs, criticizes, and loves her daughter, instead of leaving her to be a child of mischief. Hester teaches Pearl that she could still work hard and become a young woman of importance, despite her circumstances. Lastly, Hester teaches Pearl how to properly deal with her shame and worldly consequences. Hester continually owns her wrong doings, and takes on her punishments without any hesitance. She knows that with terrible choices comes consequences. She does not have to live in shame, however she

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