How Does Golding Use Rational Thinking In Lord Of The Flies

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In the novel Lord of the Flies, Golding proves that leaning towards emotional thinking and fear, over rational thinking leads to cruelty and savagery. He expresses his feelings that civilization and sensible thinking is needed to keep savagery away by writing about situations in the novel where the boys struggle with staying civilized. He also writes about how some boys stay civilized and focus on getting rescued, while others have become savages, and there is disagreement in between the two groups. Golding shows that emotional thinking over rational thinking leads to savagery in the book, when Ralph and Piggy go to Jack’s tribe for some meat. (Golding 149) At Jack’s fort, all of the boys dance and pretend to hunt a pig, using one of the boys as the pig.(Golding 151) When Simon walks up to the boys, fear and savagery overtake the boys, and the mob ends up killing Simon. Ralph and Piggy also take part in this event, not being able to control the savagery in…show more content…
The Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam and the final form of worship. It is an annual event that lasts five days and it is an occasion that most Muslims are required to attend at least once in their lives if they are able to. During the most recent Hajj, a stampede broke out and an estimate of 769 people died, 900 were injured and the dead were from at least 13 nations. This current news event shows that emotional thinking over rational thinking leads to savagery because at the Hajj, pilgrims are not allowed to argue with one another, instead, many people were very violent and savage which led to a deadly stampede. The pressure of time on the pilgrims led them to push and shove one another trying to finish the ritual on time. This theme appears in real life application because there ae situations where people get too caught up in their emotional thoughts, which leads them away from rational thinking and causes unrestrained

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