How Did Lenin Gain Power

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Everyone would love to be that person with total control, the hard part is how they will take control. Attila was the leader of The Huns from 435 A.D. to 453 A.D.. The Hun were fierce warriors that got their power by winning battles and striking fear into their opponents. Vladimir Lenin was a lawyer who wanted to change the government and become a political leader. He started revolutions, was arrested, and made a new government in his lifetime. Attila and Vladimir were two different leaders, but both wanted the same thing, power, Lenin was the one who did a better job at trying to get it. Attila wanted power so bad, he didn’t care if he had to kill thousands of people to get it. After Attila’s uncle and brother died he took leadership over…show more content…
Attila’s leadership lasted from “435 A.D. to 453 A.D.” and was known to bring the Huns to their greatest strength(“Attila”). Attila ruled over his troops with absolute authority, and a large part of his power came from extensive wealth from conquests. Going into battle “60,000 to 10,000 troop” were lead by Attila(“Attila the Hun”). The Huns main adversaries “were the Roman Legions” which had more power and more battle experience(“Attila the Hun”). Attila was a ruler who wanted to be the best of the best and the the only thing that would stop him and people going after his troops. Attila hated losing troops, he let his “allies fight in his battles” so he could keep his troops and grow his army(“Attila the Hun”). To go with his large, growing army “he wanted ultimate power” and with his brother alive he couldn’t have that, so he killed him(“Attila the…show more content…
In 1895, Lenin was “sent to prison and exiled,” and was again a couple of years later because of the things he was doing to help other people.(“V.l Lenin’). The many revolutions Lenin started, like “the bread riot” was to not give him more power, that was just a bonus, but to help other people(“V.l. Lenin”). While Lenin was trying to gain power he also was trying to help other people and with that wars and revolutions started. Back in July 1917, also known as the “July Days”, “Street demonstrations broke out” following the unsuccessful offensive by Russian army against the Austrians Germans (“V.l Lenin”). Along with the “July Days” revolution, there was also the Bread Riot; with established the Provisional Government (“V.l. Lenin”). Lenin wanted to be a political leader and be able to give other people rights, power, and a voice in the government. After traveling, Lenin “came back to Russia to overthrow the Provisional Government” and give power to the soviets (“V.l.
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