House Leader Essay Examples

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The House Leader experience is appealing to me for two main reasons. One is that being a House Leader gives me more resources and power to make a change in my environment while giving me a chance to understand others and myself. Another reason is that I don’t want to be known as “the girl who is only obsessed with grades”. I want to prove to myself that I have a purpose, other than trying to score a certain number on a test. I want to see myself as part of the working community, and this House Leader position is a chance for me. 2. I will benefit the school by filling the library with books by asking students to bring in books they don’t need for exchange of house points. I try to make sure all school property would always be returned undamaged (Ex. Art supplies, textbooks…). I would form stronger friendships between people who have cultural differences. I will do what I can to make sure students go to the Zone on time. I will try to make sure everyone puts their trash into the right bin. I could notify all parents to turn right only on the road that surrounds the…show more content…
Specific examples that show my leadership can be found in most of the group projects I do in school. While it is never official, usually I am automatically leader. I first plan out a schedule, and map out due dates for everyone. I give people roles that they want or roles that fit with their qualities. During the project process, I try to check up on them as much as I can. None of the group projects I have done with my teammates were handed late or in bad quality. Another example is my ability to take care of groups of little kids. Usually, when my dad meets up with his colleagues, his friends bring a lot of kids. I can manage to entertain the kids with planned activities. If an emergency were to happen, I always had a first aid box and a cell phone nearby. If a conflict where to happen, I would always be able to calm them down or comfort them. If I can, I usually give these kids etiquette

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