Essay On Life After Death

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Philosophers are said to have prepared their entire life just to die. In today’s society, most people value life maybe even fear death and while it is understood that everyone must die eventually, Plato welcomed the end. It seemed unreasonable for philosophers to fear death because dying meant that they would ultimately reach their goal of infinite knowledge and their soul would not die with their body. Many people have a variety of beliefs concerning the soul and the body. Does the soul die when the body does or does it reach Eudaimonia? I will argue that reincarnation is real and that the soul moves on when the flesh dies becoming greater than what it was limited to on earth, the psyche flourishing. This argument coincides with Plato's thinking in the way that “the psyche was the seat of the moral and intellectual faculties and of far greater importance than the body” (W. K. C. Guthrie, 1950, page 87). This means that the body is just…show more content…
The two main points, with variations, are the religious side that when your body dies on Earth you go to Heaven or Hell, and the non-religious point that your soul dies with your body. I am somewhere in the middle with the belief of reincarnation and your soul carrying on after death, not necessarily having anything to do with religion. Plato says “that a good man cannot be harmed either in life or in death” and I agree that how you act in the mortal world will affect your soul (G.M.A. Grube, 2000, page 42c) . There can be no reward for the gracious if there is no punishment for the wicked. Life on Earth cannot limit your soul and the controversy that there is nothing after death is baseless, as there are many “myths” throughout the world and its cultures to back up the afterlife. What is the point of life if you have nothing to live for? Do you even know what you are living for? Life is not finite and you should live your life with your soul in
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