Homosexuals: Closeted Gays

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Closeted homosexuals are more common than people may think. There are many reasons to not come out, fear of rejection, fear of being different, the concern for safety and the list could go on. Some gay people begin heterosexual relationships in order to not be perceived as gay or because they, themselves, are in denial of their sexuality. They may use ‘beards’ in order to cover up their sexuality and when the truth is found out then the person they’re with can become hurt. This is what Jack’s mom is worried about when she finds out that Jack is only dating Ann to look good. Ever since, Jack found out that his father was gay, he’s been fearing people’s perception of him and struggling with constantly appearing not ‘queer’. This led him to parade…show more content…
Jack’s mom tells him how horrible she thinks Jack’s actions are. “‘Jack,’ she said ‘It would be very wrong of you to go out with Ann just because you have something to prove to yourself. Very wrong.’ Her voice sounded sharper than a Swiss army knife. ‘It’s a horrible, rotten thing to do to someone, to use them to make you feel better about yourself. Believe me, I know.’ (Page 34) In this quote, she relates it to how her ex-husband used her. He was in denial about his sexuality and married her although he wasn’t really attracted to her. Although, we know that he still loved her, it wasn’t in the way she had thought and wanted. He used her to be able to run away from his life, without really considering how she would feel about the truth. Jack’s mom believed this was morally wrong and didn’t want her son to commit the same mistake as his father. She knew the risk of living a lie and how it could affect everyone involved, it was just a pretty bad thing to do to someone. After hearing these words, Jack realizes how morally comprising his choices had been. He is able to see the fault in his father’s and his decisions and says “My father was a shithead and so was I. “…show more content…
On Scandal, the Chief of Staff, Cyrus, is openly gay and is currently living with his husband. He has gone public with his sexuality but many years before that he was married to a women for 16 years. She wanted to divorce him after so long because she didn’t feel like he was really there for her and it took her a while to find out why but when she did, it had finally all made sense. On a particular horrible fight she said “I was just happy that a man looked at me. When you proposed I didn’t even know… But now it’s different, now I know. … I’m drunk and I’m scared, Cyrus, I want a divorce. I am lonely, here, Cy, with you. It has been 16 years and I barely know you. Being with you is a lonely experience.” She says these words while sobbing and extremely drunk. Cyrus responds by saying “I need you Janet, with you by my side, I can become congressman. If I have a wife.” When he says that, it’s clear that he was using her in order to hide from the public a huge part of his identity. He needed her to be his wife because it looked good and everyone would know that if he was married he couldn’t be gay. As soon as she hears those words, she yells “How about we stop pretending to each other…. If you will admit that you’re gay.” Cyrus knew she was right and although he tried so hard to hide who he was by marrying and using Janet, it didn’t work out as he wanted. He was living a lie in order to be accepted
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