Daniel Hauser Case Summary

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Daniel Hauser was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma in January 2009 and after completing one treatment he refused the remaining five treatments recommended by his doctor ("When Medicine and Religion Conflict Around Children: The Case of Daniel Hauser"). Daniel refused the treatment as he believed that it would kill him, not treat him. Daniel’s doctor stated that Daniel has a 90 percent success rate if he completes the chemotherapy but without it he faced a 95 percent chance of death ("Judge Rules Family Can't Refuse Chemo for Boy - Health - Children's Health | NBC News"). Despite these astonishing percentages Daniel and his parents still refused the chemotherapy. They instead opted for natural healing remedies that followed their religion ("When Medicine and…show more content…
After this ruling, Daniel and his mother attempted to flee the state. Daniel’s mother got arrested, and Daniel was placed in temporary custody while the prognosis of his cancer was being evaluated ("When Medicine and Religion Conflict Around Children: The Case of Daniel Hauser"). The results indicated that the tumor has grown due to the neglect of chemotherapy ("Judge Rules Family Can't Refuse Chemo for Boy - Health - Children's Health | NBC News") . Judge Rodenberg expressed that the states concern in the health of the child overrules the constitutional amendment to the right of religious freedom ("Judge Rules Family Can't Refuse Chemo for Boy - Health - Children's Health | NBC News"). Daniel reluctantly sustained court ordered treatments which led to his tumor shrinking although his parents believe that this was the doing of the alternative treatments that they continued to give ("When Medicine and Religion Conflict Around Children: The Case of Daniel

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