Homelessness In Canada

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JO 102: Newspaper reporting 1 Friday, December 5, 2014 Increasing poverty in Toronto and further issues Poverty has been increasing for many years. According to statistics Canada, 30 000 Canadians are homeless every night and Toronto still has the highest poverty rate in GTA and the number of poor children in Toronto grew by 10,000 over a two-year period. Number of people on the social housing wait list in Toronto for March 2013 is 161,266. Liam Lane Adams in her report points, that three main parts of poverty are homelessness, health problems and food banks. Homelessness is the most serious stage, as it means the lack of housing for a person because of lack of money. The only two choices most homeless people have are: going to a shelter or living on the street. Both of these options are difficult and stressful. “ The most significant thing for now is getting money from government and building more shelters. We are working on one now,” says Maria, who is a member of OCAP for 15 years. In the review of Stephen W. Hwan about Homelessness and Health, I found the health care for poor people is also a big challenge and homelessness has significant health implication. Homeless people have an increased risk of suffering from various health problems, such as seizures, tuberculosis, skin and foot problems, pneumonia and dying…show more content…
These are places where you can get free food and clothes, if you can’t buy your own. Today hundreds of kids in Toronto rely on the food and clothing bank to meet their basic needs. The people who use such banks include: people with low paying jobs, homeless people and families with only one breadwinner. Statistics show that 38% of the users of food banks are children. When banks were first opened, they were meant as a temporary measure. For today food banks have now become an essential thing and hundreds of kids a year rely on our food and clothing bank to meet the basic
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