Hard Cooked Eggs Experiment

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For this week experiment, our experiment is based on eggs. The main objective of the experiment is to determine the factors affecting the quality of hard-cooked eggs based on its position of yolk, color surrounding the yolk, texture of yolk and not to mention, the tenderness of white. In this experiment, we used two types of eggs with different types of storage conditions which are in refrigerator for 2 weeks and exposed to the room temperature for 2 weeks. We used two types of cooking methods, simmering and boiling. For boiling, we have boiling for 10 minutes and boiling for 20 minutes. Total number of eggs that have been used in this experiment is 12 which have been divided into two. The first six eggs are taken from refrigerator and the…show more content…
For simmering method, the position of yolk for both slow cool and fast cool are at the center. The color surrounding yolk for slow cool is slightly blue while for the fast cool is in its original color which is yellow. The texture of yolk for slow cool is dry and less tender while for fast cool is less dry which is a little bit moist. And the tenderness of white for slow cool is chewy and tender while for fast cool is less chewy but still, tender. Next, for the eggs that have been boiled for 10 minutes. The position of yolk for both slow cool and fast cool are at the center, and both of them have yellow color that surround the yolks. The texture of yolk for slow cooled egg is slightly moist while for fast cooled egg is very moist and quite watery. The tenderness of white for slow cooled egg is more tender and less chewy while for fast cooled egg is very tender and not that chewy. Last but not least, for the eggs that have been boiled for a longer period of time, 20 minutes. The position of yolk for slow cooled egg is at the center but for the fast cooled egg is off center. Both of them have slightly blue-green color that surround the yolks. For slow cool, the texture of yolk is dry and less tender while for fast cool is slightly moist and less tender. The tenderness of white for slow cool is less tender and not that chewy while for fast cool is tender and not

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