Sun Yat Sen Analysis

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THEMES FOR PATH I: THE “RIGHT” PATH – WITH THE “WRONG” TURNING I If someone had graduated with a degree in medicine, he could have been considered set for a comfortable life. He could reasonably look forward to earning a stable income – which could conceivably grow larger as he, in turn, grew more experienced. But alas! The keyword here was “if”. In August 1881, Arthur Conan Doyle graduated from the University of Edinburgh with degrees in medicine and surgery. In 1892 – about eleven years later and several thousand miles away - Sun Yat-sen graduated from the College of Medicine for Chinese in Hong Kong. Both of them were contemporaries. Doyle lived in Victorian times. It was the era of pax Britannica, when the British Empire was at its zenith…show more content…
He lived in turbulent times. The major European powers of the day made their never ending demands for the government of China to open up the Middle Kingdom for trade. At the same time, the local dissent was so widespread that there were numerous rebellions against the Ming government in China. Sun became distracted and caught up by the revolutionary fervour. He gave up all pretence of trying to practice medicine. For his part, Doyle found that his medical practice was slow. While waiting for patients, he began to write. Eventually, he would find fame as the creator of the most popular detective in fiction, Sherlock Holmes. In October 1896, Sun’s travels in search of funding for the revolution brought him to London. He was kidnapped and held for eleven days. Eventually, he managed to slip a note out and he was released. During this period, Doyle was known to be practising in the London area. They could conceivably have met. But there did not seem to be any record of their ever having met. Even if they had met each other, the meeting would probably have been meaningless. Each of them lived on a different plane of existence. They had nothing in common with each other that could have sparked off a fruitful relationship. It was as though two stars moved in different orbits, never to come close to each

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