throughout the world can be seen using the same tactics today as used in the 2nd Punic War, particularly the Battle of Cannae. Battle tactics improve so well by repetition of both practicing in training and executing tactics on the battlefield. Roman battle tactics improved with learning from defeats or victories against enemy, primarily the defeat at the Battle of Cannae and the victory at the Battle of Zama. During the start of the Roman Army, soldiers ranged from 17-45 years
The aim of this essay is to discuss the Battle of Cannae and it's historical significance and it's consequences in Western Civilization. The Battle of Canne occurred at the start of the Second Punic Wars, on the 2nd of August in 216 BCE. This battle was an onslaught between the Roman Legions forces and Carthage which were commanded by Hannibal's "troops that, consisted of a mix of Gauls, Spaniards, Numidians and Carthaginians"1 while the Roman forces were lead by Lucius Aemilius Paulus and Gaius
fight Hannibal faster but they were not thinking on the same terms. Paullus and Varo in the battle of Cannae were under the command of Scipio Africanus. Hannibal had defeated Scipio Africanus several times
by finding a way to disable Hannibal’s army by getting rid of his elephants. Scipio ordered all his men to sound their horns as loud as they could at the same time. This spooked the elephants and caused them to flee back into Hannibal’s army. The elephants suddenly running away caught Hannibal’s army by surprise and most of his army was trampled. This Roman victory was what ended the Second Punic
000 men had perished along with most of the elephants, but this number was soon replenished after 14,000 northern Gaul rebels joined Hannibal’s army. Hannibal’s group of 60,000 men proved superior to the Roman forces, and after at least three recorded major victories, the Roman senate did not know what to do. An army of 80,000 Roman soldiers was sent to stop Hannibal’s army of now 50,000 once and for all. In July of 216 B.C., the Romans engaged the Carthaginians. Hannibal realized that he was greatly