Greed And Corruption In The Canterbury Tales

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The Canterbury Tales: Literary Analysis The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer tells the story of a group of pilgrims on their way to Canterbury who tell stories to one another to pass time. We get to read the 29 tales that the pilgrims told on their journey. “The tales told were just a collection of stereotypes about different people based on what occupation they had or what social class they belonged to” (Shmoop Editorial Team.) “Chaucer wrote this tale to show how greedy and corrupt church officials were during the Middle Ages” (“Greed and Corruption.”) Several stories such as The Summoner, The Pardoner, The Friar, and The Monk are all “examples of religious officials who are opposite of what they are supposed to be (“Greed and Corruption.”) These members desire, have greed, injustice, lust, and even some bribery. The church cannot be its best if the officials are not doing their jobs correctly. These officials are preaching against the exact same sins they are…show more content…
Then he gives a sample sermon, railing against gluttonous excess, drunken-Bess, gambling, and swearing. He uses exemplum in the story, of oriental origin, about three young revelers who determine to slay Death because he has just one of their comrades with the plague. Asked where they can find Death, an old man directs them to a tree, where they find a great pile of gold. They draw lots and send the youngest back to town for food and wine. The remaining two plot to kill him, so as to split the gold only two ways, while he puts poison in the wine, so as to keep all the treasure himself. When he returns, they stab him, then drink the wine; thus all three indeed find Death. The Pardoner boldly follows his sermon with an attempt to sell his relics. (“Pardoner Tale,
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