Greed And Corruption In Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales

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Throughout the course of the Catholic Church’s life, it has gone through phases of faith based corruption and greed. This is made very evident during Chaucer’s life, 14th century England. Chaucer noticed these corruptions and began to question the teaching of the Catholic Church. Even though Chaucer knew of this corruption, many people at the time were unaware of this and even if they suspected something, didn’t bother to ever question the Catholic Church authority. This encouraged Chaucer to begin writing and to use this greed and corruption as fuel to create and write tales in his The Canterbury Tales. Chaucer depicts greed through The Summoner from The Friar’s Tale and expressed the obvious corruption through Death from The Pardoner’s Tale. Each of these tales help point out how Chaucer felt and his viewpoint of the Catholic Church during this time.…show more content…
This is easily the lowest point the Church had to undergo. The practices that lead to this corruption and hypocrisy of the Church during this time were one such as indulgences, which was a payment or debut one would have to pay for their sins to be forgiven. This debt would obviously be paid with money though the corrupt Church system. “There was only one sanctioned form of Christianity in Chaucer's Europe, and that was Catholicism. From the beginning of the Middle Ages until the end of the 14th century, Christianity underwent many significant developments. Most of these changes caused corruption within the Church” (Ward). Before Chaucer’s time, the Church went through many changes but the changes that were to come after would be a leading cause for the
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