Great Alaska Earthquake

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Natural disasters such as The Great Alaskan Earthquake, Novarupta, and the Great Alaskan Tsunami have changed the world. The Great Alaskan Earthquake caused many natural and monetary damage in Alaska, but only managed to cause 12 casualties. The eruption of Novarupta was the biggest eruption in the 20th century but surprisingly only killed 2 people. The Great Alaskan Tsunami of 1964 only killed 119 people. All of these natural disasters caused at least 100-400 million dollars in monetary damage at the time. The Great Alaskan Earthquake was a major earthquake with little damage considering its size and magnitude. The Great Alaskan Earthquake happened on March 27, 1964 at 5:36 pm and lasted for 4 minutes. The Earthquake happened in the Prince William Sound region in…show more content…
Its location is in the Alaskan Peninsula, 170 kilometers from Kodiak and 440 kilometers from Anchorage. Novarupta's coordinates are 58.2667 N and 155.1567 W and is located on the Ring of Fire and the Pacific Plate. Its geological area consists of mountains, a fault line, and usually packed with snow, glaciers and lake ice. Novarupta is estimated to be 5.5 million years old, but could very well be older. Novarupta's volcano type is a lava dome and its composition is a summit crater. Novarupta's size is 10 kilometers in diameter and is 2,758 feet tall. Novarupta's condition is Dormant and its last eruption was on June 6, 1912. The benefits of Novarupta include the following: few amount of deaths, including animals; the 1912 eruption made the summit of Katmai to collapse upon itself; the last eruption issued a major magma drain out from all the neighboring volcanoes. The future of Novarupta could be drastic resulting in a huge death toll, monetary damage, climate change and a vast amount of volcanic ash. Novarupta has yet to change the world, but has made very massive

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