Hobbes Vs Locke Essay

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When people encounter with this question, they should reflect on two important moral and political philosophers and their theories: Thomas Hobbes and John Locke. These philosophers are both in favor of sustaining a government, but their theories are discrepant between them. Thomas Hobbes and John Locke discuss the "State of Nature". For Hobbes, this term explains that people are "solitary, poor, nasty, irrational, and self-interested," whereas Locke gives a definition that of "rational and self-interested" (Total Philosophy- Thomas Hobbes; Total Philosophy-John Locke). Both philosophers have valuable arguments regarding government, and their theories can correlate with those of other moral philosophers. Hobbes states government is necessary, considering people are irrational, want power, and are capable of doing anything to keep their desires fulfilled (Total Philosophy- Thomas Hobbes). According to Hobbes, without a government, industry and economic growth would be inexistent (Total Philosophy- Thomas Hobbes). There is no reliable evidence that they wouldn't be destroyed later on by irrational beings; therefore, a government's role is to…show more content…
He knows people are rational but is concerned because they are self-interested too. Because human beings are self-interested, they will try to usurp on to other's possessions (Total Philosophy- John Locke). There is nothing stopping people from doing it; as well, of nothing delaying them from "punishing" or taking revenge (Total Philosophy- John Locke). Based on his reasoning, "John Locke argued that the law of nature obliged all human beings not to harm “the life, the liberty, health, limb, or goods of another" (Liberty Fund). The "legitimacy of government" depends upon the natural rights of man and approval of the governed not upon the "divine right" of the monarch to rule (Liberty Fund). Locke affirms a government is required to promote justice, with no more power than that of a

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