Thomas L. Friedman's The World Is Flat

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Document Summary Throughout this document I will be analyzing Thomas L. Friedman’s problem-solving process in the book The World is Flat and how we use Wolcott’s “Steps for Better Thinking” model to help analyze the different chapters. Framing the Problem In Friedman’s book The World is Flat he talks about the historical context behind globalization and the three different iterations of globalization. You have G1.0 which took place in 1492 which consisted of country globalization. Then you have G2.0 which took place in the 1800’s-2000’s when you had company globalization. Finally, you have G3.0 which took place between the 2000’s-now when you have individual globalization. A great example he uses is when he talks about the Japanese company…show more content…
You can be super specialized like the basketball player Michael Jordan, you can also have anchored and localized hair dressers. It creates an opportunity for middle class jobs and has great explainers, personalizers, synthesizers, lever agers and adaptors plus green people helping earth survive. Right stuff is considered the same as right education only an individual can do this where they can also become versatilist or have a swiss army knife neither a specialist or a generalist. An example they use is a major in anthropology but is open too various sub-specialties hybrid niches along with minors and majors. In the Right Stuff it also talks about how we can learn to and love to prepare for continuous learning. Also, we learn from others who are passionate about what they do and how much they know. You have this equation people tend to follow by CQ+PQ+IQ which stands for curious, passion, and intelligence. An example of this is Georgia Tech created hybrid curricula science, math, liberal, and the fine

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