Essay On Samsung Museum

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Project name: Lueem Samsung Museum of Art. Completed: 2004. Architects: Mario Botta, Jean Nouvel and Rem Koolhas. Location: Hannam-dong, South Korea. Site area: 6274 square meters. Floor area : 21797 square meters. 1- General description about the whole museum: Samsung museum was built for several purposes, such as, presenting the traditional art, showing the beauty of Korea and the powerful of the international art. However, the museum is a collection of two museums and one center. The first museum was designed by Mario Botta (Swiss architect), the second one done by Jean Nouvel and the center which is the Samsung child education and culture center was designed by the architect Rem Koolhas. Moreover, the museum is a collection of art and contemporary art. 2- Quick description about each part: * Museum 1 : this is the main part that I am going to explain about it during this research paper. Actually this museum occupies a site area of 2314 square meters and the floor area is 9917 square meters for the whole five floors of this museum. The museum holds the…show more content…
However, Botta wanted to show the beauty of Korea and its materials, so he decided to cover the skin of the museum with terra cotta tiles, that gives the sense of firs and earth. The museum is a piece of massive rotunda building located on the Namsan hill. The analysis of the museum will be about the materials which used to construct it, the lobby, the rotunda, the exhibition area and the budget (the construction cost to complete the building). * The material: Botta was interested in the Korean ceramic, so he used the terra cotta tiles. Actually, this tile is a brick made of clay. The way that Mario applied the tiles showed a kind of mystery an da kind of allowing the natural light to enter the space inside. So we can inferred that Botta’s museum was made of

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